Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Staying Healthy in the Winter: The Final Stretch

With all the nice weather days we’ve had these past two weeks, it may seem like spring is almost here! But those of us who’ve lived in New England for a while know that winter isn’t through with us yet. These days of “false spring”, followed by true winter weather, mean that we’ve still got to be extra careful with our health. I don't know about you, but I see A LOT of sick people every day. Winter is typically the time when people come down with illnesses, and it seems that every other person I know is either sniffling or miserably sick.

Why Do People Get Sick in the Wintertime?

There are a lot of theories on why people tend to get sick more in the winter than at any other time of year. One theory is that we spend so much time trapped indoors with other people and their germs. Another theory is that the cold weather forces our bodies to work harder to stay warm, and saps the energy that would otherwise be used by our immune system. Whatever it is that causes us to get sick more frequently in the winter, it's up to each of us to take care of ourselves properly so that we don’t get sick and spread our sickness around.

What Is Wei Qi, and Is It Strong Enough To Get You Through the Winter?

According to Chinese medical theory, the strength of your immune system is dependent on the strength of your Wei Qi (pronounced “Way Chee”). Qi, in simple terms, is the energy force that flows through our bodies, giving us life. Wei Qi, also called the “Defensive Qi”, is the component of Qi that defends the body from illness, like our immune system. This Defensive Qi is constantly working to fend off bacteria and viruses. It originates in the lungs, so having a strong, healthy, and clear respiratory system is essential to a strong immune system.

By boosting your body's natural immune system, you will be protected from all kinds of illnesses. Many people get a flu shot at the beginning of each winter, thinking they’ve fully protected themselves for the season. But they don’t realize that the shot only protects them from the particular strains of flu that are in the shot. They are still vulnerable to catching the common cold, strep throat, stomach viruses and other common winter illnesses. One option for staying healthy in winter is treating your immune system with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Acupuncture and herbal medicine have been used to treat and prevent colds and flu for thousands of years.

What Else Can You Do To Stay Healthy in the Winter?
Here are a few simple tips for keeping you, your family, and your friends healthy this winter:

1. Hand washing - Frequently washing your hands with soap is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of germs. Hand sanitizer isn't a substitute for hand washing, but it’s better than nothing when in a pinch.
2. The “Hospital Sneeze” - Covering your mouth and nose with your hands while coughing or sneezing leaves saliva and mucous on your hands. If you don’t wash your hands immediately, germs from your hands will easily be passed on to everyone and everything you touch. Instead of covering your nose and mouth with your hands, sneeze into your sleeve at the elbow or shoulder. This way, the pathogens get trapped in your clothing instead of on your hands or in the air.
3. Eat right - Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and water. Try to incorporate more ginger, garlic and onion into your diet. These pungent foods help open the lungs and strengthen the respiratory system. Also, flavor your food with star anise for a natural antiviral.
4. Get your rest - Sleep is the only time our body has to recharge and heal. Proper sleep can help prevent sickness, but if you are already sick, take it easy and get plenty of sleep.
5. Cover up - In cold, windy, and raw weather it is important to keep yourself well covered. Exposing yourself to the elements forces your body to work harder to stay warm, making you more vulnerable to sickness.
6. Exercise - Regular exercise helps circulate Qi and is necessary for a healthy respiratory system. It doesn't have to be strenuous. A daily 20-30 minute walk is enough to get the blood moving and the lungs pumping!
7. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for colds and other winter illnesses - If you get sick two or more times a season, then you may need something more to strengthen your immune system. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are natural therapies that can strengthen your lung and respiratory health, which in turn strengthens your Wei Qi.

Contact me today to find out if Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine therapies are right for you and your family! Visit for more information.