Monday, June 6, 2011

Acupuncture and Fertility: Boston Alternative Health Can Help

By the time I see a couple that’s having trouble conceiving a child, they’re usually stressed out and at the end of their rope. Typically, they’ve already tried to conceive for over a year, then endured months of testing to figure out what’s “wrong” with them. Is the problem her? Or is it him? Or a little of both? Once the answers come back, a couple has some tough decisions to make about treatment options, one of which is traditional Chinese medicine or acupuncture to aid fertility.

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Get Help With Fertility?

If a couple has tried to conceive a child for over a year without any success, they may choose to seek professional help. However, if the woman in the couple is over the age of 35, it’s recommended that they seek help after only six months of trying. According to the National Survey of Family Growth at the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 8 couples in the United States have this problem! While it’s a common belief that women are mostly to blame for a couple’s difficulty conceiving, only about a third of all cases of infertility are caused by health imbalances in the woman. The rest are caused by an equal split between problems in the man and a combination of problems in the man and woman. Given how complex the causes can be, each couple needs to be treated with a customized plan for reaching their goal of conceiving a child.

But What Causes Problems With Fertility To Begin With?

Entire volumes have been written on the causes of infertility, but there are some common factors for both men and women. In men, the cause may include low sperm count, poor circulation of blood to the testicles, slow motility of sperm, and poor “morphology”, which is the makeup of the sperm. In women, causes of problems conceiving include poor egg quality, ovulation / hormonal issues, or a thin uterine lining. In both men and women, all of these issues may be caused or made worse by stress, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, recreational drug use, radiation exposure, and emotional disturbances. While all of this can be daunting, there is hope!

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Can Help With Infertility

Acupuncture has been proven to be an effective supplement to common fertility treatments. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) can all be enhanced by acupuncture without adding any additional toxic medicines to your body. In fact, acupuncture and herbal medicine can help to improve your kidney function. Since the kidneys are the primary organ of reproductive and sexual function according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, improving the health of their energy increases the chances of success.

Acupuncture has been shown to improve sperm count in men and improve the morphology of their sperm by regulating circulation around the testes.

In women there are even greater benefits because more has been learned from their experiences. Improvements in ovarian function, regulation of hormone levels, increased circulation, and reduced chance of miscarriage are only a few of the possible benefits of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine when applied to fertility problems.

Since modern fertility treatments can be extremely invasive and stressful, the stress by itself can cause systems in the body to malfunction or perform poorly. Relieving that stress can be a contributing factor for healthier reproductive activity. Acupuncture is a proven method for providing relief from that stress

When working to build a family, some couples have to work harder than others. But by balancing reproductive and overall health with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, couples may feel healthier, enjoy less stress, and ultimately improve their odds of conceiving.

Do you know anyone who looking to start a family or is having trouble conceiving? Contact me today to find out more about how Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine therapies can help.

Visit to learn more!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Acupuncture for Allergies in Boston: Relief Without the Side Effects

Finally, spring has arrived in Boston! It’s the time of year when we all get to spend more time outdoors, enjoy the sunshine, and air out our homes from the long winter. Trees and flowers are in bloom, Fenway Park comes alive with bright lights and big crowds, and everyone falls in love with the city all over again.

But for some of us, the excitement of spring is overshadowed by uncontrollable sneezing, itchy eyes, and headaches. Welcome to allergy season.

Environmental allergens are present all year round. But spring is the time of year when air becomes the most clogged with pollen, which is the worst culprit for people who suffer from Hay Fever, or Allergic Rhinitis (the allergic reaction to pollen and dust that inflames the nasal passages, creates mucus, and generates a laundry list of uncomfortable allergic reactions). However, there is hope. Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help relieve allergy symptoms, without the side effects of traditional Western treatments..

Is It Possible To Steer Clear of Allergens in Boston?

By participating in simple activities like a walk through the Boston Common, or playing with your dog in the yard, you’re exposing yourself to pollen and dust. Even walking to work down a street with only a few trees can cause an allergic reaction. And believe it or not, keeping the windows closed in your home doesn’t offer complete protection from the outside world – your home is ventilated with air from out there, and you carry pollen and dust in on your clothes and hair. People with seasonal allergies do find some relief at the beach, since ocean air has much less pollen in it. But unfortunately, avoiding allergens is almost impossible.

So How Can You Find Allergy Relief in Boston?

There are many ways to treat spring allergies. The most common way for Americans to treat their allergies is with allergy shots and drugs such as Claritin, Allegra, and Benadryl. Annually, allergies are an $18 billion business in the U.S., according to the Center for Disease Control.

The Big Problems with the Common Fixes for Allergies

Whether over the counter or prescription, allergy medications can offer relief of symptoms, but some create side effects that are almost as troublesome as the symptoms they are intended to relieve! Some possible side effects can include sluggishness, jitters, an increased appetite, and even a decreased libido. Allergy sufferers feel forced to choose between the lesser of two evils –allergy symptoms or side effects from drugs! The good news is that there’s another choice.

Treating Allergies with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine -- It’s An Immunity Problem

Traditional Chinese Medicine treats allergies with the same philosophy as it treats any condition – by getting to the root of the problem, instead of just attacking the symptoms. Typically, Hay Fever symptoms occur when the lung and kidney “Qi” (energy) is deficient. Using acupuncture and herbal medicine, I can bolster a client’s energy in these areas, which gives their immune system the strength to face allergens without the usual sneezing, wheezing, and watery eyes. When the lung and kidneys are given the chance to respond properly to allergens, allergic reactions will be reduced or even eliminated.

The best part of using acupuncture and herbal medicine as allergy treatments is that they are free of the multiple side effects that can come with Western allergy medications. To be relieved of both allergy symptoms and unwanted side effects from drugs is an allergy sufferer’s dream!

Do you know anyone who suffers from seasonal allergies? Contact me today to find out how Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine therapies can offer relief!

Visit to learn more!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Can Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Help With That "Mysterious Ailment"?

Do you know someone whose doctor can’t figure out what’s “wrong” with them? Chances are, you do.

I hope this doesn’t apply to you, but I often get clients who have been suffering from symptoms of an “illness” that their regular doctors can’t put a finger on. These “mystery illnesses” are frustrating because after months of tests that consume time, money, and hope, a doctor (or several doctors) may tell them that there’s nothing wrong.

After a frustrating run of doctor’s visits, questions, and invasive physical exams, has your doctor ever said anything like this to you?

“You need more sleep.”

“Try eating healthier.”

“Exercise more.”

“Find ways to manage your stress. It may be causing your symptoms.”

“Take this medication. If it helps, we may know what we’re dealing with.”

“We’ve done everything we can do. Sorry, but this is as good as it’s going to get.”

These suggestions may be helpful, or they may not apply to you at all. For instance, you may already be eating pretty well, exercising regularly, and be generally content with your life. Perhaps nothing has dramatically changed or occurred in your life that might be causing a negative impact on your body. Or if you’re like me, you’re just not interested in taking risks with prescription medications.

So if you’re healthy and happy, why the exhaustion, digestive problems, skin irritations, headaches, dizziness, or any other new annoyance or pain that your doctors can’t explain?

For starters, many disorders are difficult to diagnose with certainty, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). This is in part because they perplex health care practitioners by having an array of possible symptoms that show up in different combinations for each individual.

For example, did you know that a sore throat could mean you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? What if that sore throat was combined with difficulty concentrating? Again, possibly CFS! Would you even connect the two symptoms? Your doctor may not either. These types of seemingly unconnected issues turn a simple diagnosis into a “mystery illness”.

So where does acupuncture come in if you don’t even know what your problem is?

To give credit where credit is due, traditional western medicine is our first choice in traumatic and life-threatening situations (if you’re suffering a gunshot wound, I hope you’re heading to the emergency room, not to my office!). It’s also genius at diagnosing a huge number of ailments and diseases, and it’s good to visit with your doctor for that reason. But western medicine is incomplete in its focus on diagnosis and treatment, without the vital component that encourages balanced health before illness strikes.

One of the greatest distinguishing marks between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and western medicine is TCM’s focus on prevention and overall health. By rebalancing the body’s meridian (energy) system, acupuncture helps to eliminate disruptions in the body that may be causing organs to function at low efficiency. Eliminating these disruptions sets the stage for good health. Often, when treating one issue, a person experiences positive side effects in other areas, because their energy is flowing properly throughout their body, not just in the “problem” area.

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Difference

As a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, I will take a western diagnosis into consideration, but it is not necessary to have a clear western diagnosis in order for me to treat a problem. I approach conditions in an entirely different manner, balancing a patient’s immune system to encourage the body’s natural healing mechanisms to do its job. Because each person is unique and must be treated as an individual, I may treat each person differently even if they come in with the same western diagnosis. Two people may have the same disorder, such as IBS, but it may present itself differently, showing up in unique ways. Instead of treating someone’s western diagnosis, I treat their symptom presentation and fit it into a Chinese medicine diagnostic pattern.

I strive to heal by getting to the root cause of a problem, rather than masking ailments through medications and creating a false sense of comfort. Certain medications or “standard” treatments are delivered in a “one size fits all” package, but that approach doesn’t really fit everyone, and may not work at all for some people. Acupuncture and herbal medicine often have better results because they are custom tailored treatments. Because of this holistic approach, many clients I’ve had were able to eliminate all or most of their mysterious symptoms.

Have a mystery ailment? Contact me today to find out if Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine therapies can help get to the bottom of it!

Ask Your Acupuncturist

“Can acupuncture ever be harmful?” – from Jackie C.; Somerville, MA

Thanks for the question, Jackie. When administered by a qualified practitioner, acupuncture is a very safe alternative health choice. Very rare cases of infection from unsterile needles or organ damage from inserting needles improperly have been reported. In all of those cases there was an unlicensed, unqualified, or irresponsible practitioner involved. During the years I’ve studied and practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine, I’ve never seen any such cases first hand. As a requirement for receiving my license to practice acupuncture, I was required to complete the “Clean Needle Technique” course administered by the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. In my practice, I use only new, sterile needles and am committed to treating my patients responsibly.

Have a question about acupuncture or herbal medicine? E-mail me at, and your question may be answered in an upcoming blog!

“Thanks for giving me my life back, Rebecca! I had been suffering from a rare stomach disorder for the last 10 years. I had been to 3 different hospitals in MA, 1 in California, taken a slew of tests, and had been in and out of the emergency room so many times I felt like it was my second home. I would get these attacks of very bad pain in my stomach and non-stop vomiting episodes. I also was suffering from anxiety, stress and insomnia.

After losing the battle with traditional western medicines and doctors only giving me quick fixes I decided to try acupuncture. I knew Rebecca was really good from the initial consultation; which was very thorough. I started noticing results around the second week of treatments! And now, I haven’t had any symptoms of my sickness since the treatments which have been going almost a year! Point blank acupuncture works! Not only do I not have any issues with my stomach but I was able to get my life back again!”

- L.L., Waltham

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Staying Healthy in the Winter: The Final Stretch

With all the nice weather days we’ve had these past two weeks, it may seem like spring is almost here! But those of us who’ve lived in New England for a while know that winter isn’t through with us yet. These days of “false spring”, followed by true winter weather, mean that we’ve still got to be extra careful with our health. I don't know about you, but I see A LOT of sick people every day. Winter is typically the time when people come down with illnesses, and it seems that every other person I know is either sniffling or miserably sick.

Why Do People Get Sick in the Wintertime?

There are a lot of theories on why people tend to get sick more in the winter than at any other time of year. One theory is that we spend so much time trapped indoors with other people and their germs. Another theory is that the cold weather forces our bodies to work harder to stay warm, and saps the energy that would otherwise be used by our immune system. Whatever it is that causes us to get sick more frequently in the winter, it's up to each of us to take care of ourselves properly so that we don’t get sick and spread our sickness around.

What Is Wei Qi, and Is It Strong Enough To Get You Through the Winter?

According to Chinese medical theory, the strength of your immune system is dependent on the strength of your Wei Qi (pronounced “Way Chee”). Qi, in simple terms, is the energy force that flows through our bodies, giving us life. Wei Qi, also called the “Defensive Qi”, is the component of Qi that defends the body from illness, like our immune system. This Defensive Qi is constantly working to fend off bacteria and viruses. It originates in the lungs, so having a strong, healthy, and clear respiratory system is essential to a strong immune system.

By boosting your body's natural immune system, you will be protected from all kinds of illnesses. Many people get a flu shot at the beginning of each winter, thinking they’ve fully protected themselves for the season. But they don’t realize that the shot only protects them from the particular strains of flu that are in the shot. They are still vulnerable to catching the common cold, strep throat, stomach viruses and other common winter illnesses. One option for staying healthy in winter is treating your immune system with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Acupuncture and herbal medicine have been used to treat and prevent colds and flu for thousands of years.

What Else Can You Do To Stay Healthy in the Winter?
Here are a few simple tips for keeping you, your family, and your friends healthy this winter:

1. Hand washing - Frequently washing your hands with soap is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of germs. Hand sanitizer isn't a substitute for hand washing, but it’s better than nothing when in a pinch.
2. The “Hospital Sneeze” - Covering your mouth and nose with your hands while coughing or sneezing leaves saliva and mucous on your hands. If you don’t wash your hands immediately, germs from your hands will easily be passed on to everyone and everything you touch. Instead of covering your nose and mouth with your hands, sneeze into your sleeve at the elbow or shoulder. This way, the pathogens get trapped in your clothing instead of on your hands or in the air.
3. Eat right - Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and water. Try to incorporate more ginger, garlic and onion into your diet. These pungent foods help open the lungs and strengthen the respiratory system. Also, flavor your food with star anise for a natural antiviral.
4. Get your rest - Sleep is the only time our body has to recharge and heal. Proper sleep can help prevent sickness, but if you are already sick, take it easy and get plenty of sleep.
5. Cover up - In cold, windy, and raw weather it is important to keep yourself well covered. Exposing yourself to the elements forces your body to work harder to stay warm, making you more vulnerable to sickness.
6. Exercise - Regular exercise helps circulate Qi and is necessary for a healthy respiratory system. It doesn't have to be strenuous. A daily 20-30 minute walk is enough to get the blood moving and the lungs pumping!
7. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for colds and other winter illnesses - If you get sick two or more times a season, then you may need something more to strengthen your immune system. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are natural therapies that can strengthen your lung and respiratory health, which in turn strengthens your Wei Qi.

Contact me today to find out if Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine therapies are right for you and your family! Visit for more information.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Staying Healthy and Strong for the Final Stretch of Winter

With all the nice weather days we’ve had these past two weeks, it may seem like spring is almost here! But those of us who’ve lived in New England for a while know that winter isn’t through with us yet! These days of “false spring”, followed by true winter weather mean that we’ve still got to be extra careful with our health. I don't know about you, but I see A LOT of sick people every day. Winter is typically the time when people come down with illnesses, and it seems that every other person I know is either sniffling or miserably sick.

Why Do People Get Sick in the Wintertime?

There are a lot of theories on why people tend to get sick more in the winter than at any other time of year. One theory is that we spend so much time trapped indoors with other people and their germs. Another theory is that the cold weather forces our bodies to work harder to stay warm, and saps the energy that would otherwise be used by our immune system. Whatever it is that causes us to get sick more frequently in the winter, it's up to each of us to take care of ourselves properly so that we don’t get sick and spread our sickness around.

What Is Your “Wei Qi”, and Is It Strong Enough To Get You Through the Winter?

According to Chinese medical theory, the strength of your immune system is dependent on the strength of your Wei Qi (pronounced “Way Chee”). Qi, in simple terms, is the energy force that flows through our bodies, giving us life. Wei Qi, also called the “Defensive Qi”, is the component of Qi that defends the body from illness, like our immune system. This Defensive Qi is constantly working to fend off bacteria and viruses. It originates in the lungs, so having a strong, healthy, and clear respiratory system is essential to a strong immune system.

By boosting your body's natural immune system, you will be protected from all kinds of illnesses. Many people get a flu shot at the beginning of each winter, thinking they’ve fully protected themselves for the season. But they don’t realize that the shot only protects them from the particular strains of flu that are in the shot. They are still vulnerable to catching the common cold, strep throat, stomach viruses and other common winter illnesses. One option for staying healthy in winter is treating your immune system with acupuncture and herbal medicine. These methods have been used to treat and prevent colds and flu for thousands of years.

What Else Can You Do To Stay Healthy Through the Seasons?

Here are a few simple tips for keeping you, your family, and your friends healthy this winter:

1. Hand Washing - Frequently washing your hands with soap is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of germs. Hand sanitizer isn't a substitute for hand washing, but it’s better than nothing when in a pinch.

2. The “Hospital Sneeze” - Covering your mouth and nose with your hands while coughing or sneezing leaves saliva and mucous on your hands. If you don’t wash your hands immediately, germs from your hands will easily be passed on to everyone and everything you touch. Instead of covering your nose and mouth with your hands, sneeze into your sleeve at the elbow or shoulder. This way, the pathogens get trapped in your clothing instead of on your hands or in the air.

3. Eat Right - Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and water. Try to incorporate more ginger, garlic and onion into your diet. These pungent foods help open the lungs and strengthen the respiratory system. Also, flavor your food with star anise for a natural antiviral.

4. Get Your Rest - Sleep is the only time our body has to recharge and heal. Proper sleep can help prevent sickness, but if you are already sick, take it easy and get plenty of sleep.

5. Cover Up - In cold, windy, and raw weather it is important to keep yourself well covered. Exposing yourself to the elements forces your body to work harder to stay warm, making you more vulnerable to sickness.

6. Exercise - Regular exercise helps circulate Qi and is necessary for a healthy respiratory system. It doesn't have to be strenuous. A daily 20-30 minute walk is enough to get the blood moving and the lungs pumping!

7. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine - If you get sick two or more times a season, then you may need something more to strengthen your immune system. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are natural therapies that can strengthen your lung and respiratory health, which in turn strengthens your Wei Qi.

Contact me today to find out if Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine therapies are right for you and your family!