Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How acupuncture therapy, combined with Chinese herbal medicine, can help with cold and flu season

“I think I’m coming down with something.”

“Ugh… I have that bug that’s going around.”

“Everyone in my office is sick and I know I’m next!”

“It’s been 2 weeks and I can’t kick this cold!”

Do these phrases sound familiar to you? We’re about to enter the winter season here in New England which means either you or someone you know has uttered at least one of these. But how to deal with the problem?

Using acupuncture therapy to treat illnesses

Acupuncture therapy, often in combination with Chinese herbal medicine, has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of sicknesses. Many of the over-the-counter products available today are designed to mask your symptoms well enough so that you can make it in to work or go about your day. However, none of these products are actually designed to cure a cold or really get to the root of the sickness. So while you may feel good while the medicine is working, you’re still really sick (and contagious). And as you keep pushing your body through the sickness, the longer it will take for you to get better.

Chinese medicine has a different approach to treatment. Rather than masking the symptoms, it addresses the root of the problem. I like to use the analogy of a pot of boiling water. To get it to stop boiling, you can add some cold water to it. That works for a short while, but it will eventually start to boil again and you will have to add more water. The better solution to get the water to stop boiling is to put out the fire underneath the pot and cut off the heat source. This is the idea behind East Asian medical theory. Address the root and create balance.

How does Chinese medicine apply to colds and flus?

According to East Asian medical theory we are constantly surrounded by pathogens in the air. A healthy immune system keeps those pathogens from entering in to our bodies. Every once in a while our immune systems become weak enough that the surrounding pathogens are able to attack and enter in to our bodies resulting in chills, fever, body aches, sore throat… the first signs of a cold. Acupuncture and herbal medicine work to kick these pathogens out of our bodies by “releasing the exterior.” It’s a metaphorical term that refers to opening our pores and pushing the acute pathogen out through our skin. The pathogens are released and the body’s natural immune system takes over to finish up the healing process.

Acupuncture and herbal medicine can also be used to help build immunity and prevent sickness. If you are someone who gets sick often or easily, who works in an environment where you are exposed to a lot of germs (daycares, schools, poorly ventilated offices), or are someone just can’t afford to get sick then acupuncture and/or herbal medicine would be perfect for you to keep you healthy!

Rebecca’s Tips to Avoiding Sickness

- Get plenty of rest. A tired body and mind makes for a tired and weak immune system.
- Cover up! Exposure to the wind and cold forces your body to use more energy towards staying warm and less towards keeping you healthy and balanced.
- Wash your hands: The single most effective way of preventing the spread of disease is hand washing.
- Take the day off: Forcing yourself to go out while you're sick not only delays the healing process, but also exposes the people around you to your sickness. If you can, do yourself and your colleagues a favor and stay home to recover.

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