You may be saying to yourself "It's only March! Why is she talking about spring allergies already?" Acupuncture and herbal medicine are not only effective for the treatment of acute symptoms of allergies, but can also be used as a preventative medicine. For the prevention, or at the very least a decrease, of spring allergy symptoms it is best to start a treatment regimen two to three months in advance in order to strengthen your body's defenses. By the time peak allergy season rolls around, the body's immune system should be strong enough to defend against the influx of allergens. Preventative treatment can be as simple as one treatment a week, or every other week, and a small daily dose of herbs. Because this is an overall immune boosting treatment, it can help to prevent colds and flus as well.
In Chinese medicine, the approach to treating allergies is similar to that of treating colds and flus. Chinese medical theory believes that sickness is due to pathogens in the surrounding air entering the body when the immune system becomes compromised. Pollen, dust and mold are the pathogenic culprits the body works to defend itself from. Acupuncture and herbal medicine helps to "release the exterior" (a metaphorical term that refers to pushing pathogens out of the body) while strengthening lung and respiratory health.
While symptomatic, acupuncture can help alleviate your stuffy sinuses, itchy eyes, sneezing, and all the other irritating symptoms that come with allergies. During this time it is especially important to reduce your intake of foods that have a tendency to increase inflammation and aggravate allergy symptoms (i.e. wheat, processed sugars, dairy and alcohol).
As a sufferer of springtime allergies myself, I know exactly how miserable one can get during this time of year. Allergy medications can make you feel fuzzy-headed, drowsy and dried out. They can also have dangerous side effects when combined with other medications. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are safe, natural, chemical-free and effective therapies that can combat the symptoms of spring allergies.
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