Monday, June 6, 2011

Acupuncture and Fertility: Boston Alternative Health Can Help

By the time I see a couple that’s having trouble conceiving a child, they’re usually stressed out and at the end of their rope. Typically, they’ve already tried to conceive for over a year, then endured months of testing to figure out what’s “wrong” with them. Is the problem her? Or is it him? Or a little of both? Once the answers come back, a couple has some tough decisions to make about treatment options, one of which is traditional Chinese medicine or acupuncture to aid fertility.

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Get Help With Fertility?

If a couple has tried to conceive a child for over a year without any success, they may choose to seek professional help. However, if the woman in the couple is over the age of 35, it’s recommended that they seek help after only six months of trying. According to the National Survey of Family Growth at the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 8 couples in the United States have this problem! While it’s a common belief that women are mostly to blame for a couple’s difficulty conceiving, only about a third of all cases of infertility are caused by health imbalances in the woman. The rest are caused by an equal split between problems in the man and a combination of problems in the man and woman. Given how complex the causes can be, each couple needs to be treated with a customized plan for reaching their goal of conceiving a child.

But What Causes Problems With Fertility To Begin With?

Entire volumes have been written on the causes of infertility, but there are some common factors for both men and women. In men, the cause may include low sperm count, poor circulation of blood to the testicles, slow motility of sperm, and poor “morphology”, which is the makeup of the sperm. In women, causes of problems conceiving include poor egg quality, ovulation / hormonal issues, or a thin uterine lining. In both men and women, all of these issues may be caused or made worse by stress, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, recreational drug use, radiation exposure, and emotional disturbances. While all of this can be daunting, there is hope!

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Can Help With Infertility

Acupuncture has been proven to be an effective supplement to common fertility treatments. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) can all be enhanced by acupuncture without adding any additional toxic medicines to your body. In fact, acupuncture and herbal medicine can help to improve your kidney function. Since the kidneys are the primary organ of reproductive and sexual function according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, improving the health of their energy increases the chances of success.

Acupuncture has been shown to improve sperm count in men and improve the morphology of their sperm by regulating circulation around the testes.

In women there are even greater benefits because more has been learned from their experiences. Improvements in ovarian function, regulation of hormone levels, increased circulation, and reduced chance of miscarriage are only a few of the possible benefits of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine when applied to fertility problems.

Since modern fertility treatments can be extremely invasive and stressful, the stress by itself can cause systems in the body to malfunction or perform poorly. Relieving that stress can be a contributing factor for healthier reproductive activity. Acupuncture is a proven method for providing relief from that stress

When working to build a family, some couples have to work harder than others. But by balancing reproductive and overall health with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, couples may feel healthier, enjoy less stress, and ultimately improve their odds of conceiving.

Do you know anyone who looking to start a family or is having trouble conceiving? Contact me today to find out more about how Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine therapies can help.

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